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[轉載][油畫][莫內 Claude Monet][莫內作品分享][複製鏈接]

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莫內﹝Claude Monet﹞﹝1840 ~ 1926﹞

Claude Monet Self Portrait with a Beret 1886 oil on canvas 55 x 46 cm Private Collection

  莫內是法國畫家, 是印象主義的創立者之一,而且只有他一人終其一生都堅持印象主義的原則和目標,也是唯一在生前贏得大眾認可的印象主義畫家。他少年時代所畫的諷刺漫畫就已具備了驚人的形似能力,直到他早期的印象主義繪畫還保留著這項特質,使他和十九世紀中葉風景畫家的朦朧概括迥然不同。他的風景畫完全以主題的視覺經驗感知為首要的考慮,忽視傳統的概念﹝構圖、題材、潤飾等﹞。

  莫內曾說:「試著忘卻你眼前的一切,不論它是一株樹,或是一片田野;只要想像這兒是一個小方塊的藍,這兒是長方形的粉紅,這兒是長條紋的黃色,並照你認為的去畫便是…。」他在 1870 年代的作品便是以這種不加琢磨的手法來呈現視覺經驗中片段的紊亂素材:雜陳的彩色筆觸同時襲向眼睛,因視覺的混合作用而成為炫目的幻影。


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1869 La Grenouillère oil on canvas 99.7 x 74.6 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York NY





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1872 Impression, Sunrise oil on canvas 48 x 63 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris


  十九世紀末,莫內就這樣打趣地講述了評論家L.勒魯瓦在「鍚罐樂」﹝Le Charivari﹞雜誌上新近杜撰的這個詞的起源。





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1878 The Rue Saint-Denis, 30th of June 1878 oil on canvas 76 x 52 cm Musée des Beaux-Arts


  莫內於 1878 年舉家暫時遷往巴黎。在巴黎,莫內創作了《1878 年 6 月 30 日,聖德尼街的節日》,以及它的姊妹作《蒙托爾熱街》。它們都是在陽臺上俯瞰全國性節日慶典時快速繪成的,顯示了莫內運用紅、黃、藍三原色隨意揮灑的技巧。


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1880 Woman Seated under the Willows oil on canvas 81 x 560 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.



  在製作這幅畫的 1880 年以前,由於莫內的繪畫樣式充份具有明確的形態,故本圖可以很容易地看出印象主義業已完成的表現效果。畫家希望捉住純現實的僅僅一瞬,這種性格反射在染遍一切物體的玫瑰色空氣之中,包括天空、樹木、房屋、及融入周圍風景的人物等。莫內使用清晰可辨的無數快速筆觸,覆蓋在塗底色的顏料之上,其目的不只在明示形體,也在於捕捉光的音響。

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1894 Rouen Cathedral, full Sunlight oil on canvas 110 x 73 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1894 Rouen Cathedral at dawn oil on canvas 106 x 74 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

1892-94 Rouen Cathedral West Facade, Sunlight oil on canvas 100 x 65 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

1892-94 Rouen Cathedral, Morning Sun, Blue Harmony oil on canvas 91 x 63 cm Musee d'Orsay, Paris


  1892 年 2 月 12 日,莫內在給朋友的信中寫道:「我已經可以搬入主教堂對面一幢空閒的公寓中。」此後他在盧昂度過了兩個月的時光。這期間,他開始了主教堂系列的創作:陽光照射在主教堂單調灰暗的正面牆壁上,所產生的強烈效果,激發他一連畫了三十幅同一主題的油畫。



1893 Rouen Cathedral, Symphony in Grey and Rose oil on canvas 73 x 107 cm Muse_e d'Orsay, Paris

1893-4 Rouen Cathedral West Facade, Full Sunlight, Harmony in Blue and Gold oil on canvas 107 x 73 cm Muse_e d'Orsay, Paris

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1861 Still Life with Pheasant oil on canvas 76 x 62.5 cm Musée des Beaux Arts de Rouen, France

Claude Monet 1865-66 Le déjeuner sur l'herbe "Luncheon on the Grass" oil on canvas 248.7 x 218 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1866 The Woman in a Green Dress (Camille) oil on canvas 90.9 x 59.4 cm Kunsthalle, Bremen, Germany

1866c Garden flowers, Sainte-Adresse oil on canvas 64.8 x 53.8 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier

1866c Women in the Garden oil on canvas 25.5 x 20.5 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1870 Hotel des Roches Noires, Trouville oil on canvas 55 x 80 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1870c The Red Cape (Madame Monet) oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm Cleveland Museum of Art Ohio

1871 Zaandam, Little Bridge oil on canvas

1872 Camille Reading oil on canvas 50 x 65 cm Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore MD

1872 Jean Monet on his Hobby Horse oil on canvas 60.6 x 74.3 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York NY

1873 Boulevard des Capucines oil on canvas 79.4 x 59 cm Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City MO

1873 Boulevard des Capucines oil on canvas Pushkin Museum od Fine Art, Moscow

1873 Lilacs in the Sun oil on canvas 50 x 65 cm The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

1873 Lilacs, Grey Weather oil on canvas 50.2 x 65.2 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1880 Sunflowers oil on canvas 101 x 81.3 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York NY

1880 Sunset on the Seine in Winter oil on canvas attachimg]104159230[/attachimg]
1880 Sunset on the Seine, Winter oil on canvas 100 x 152 cm Musée de la Ville de Paris, Paris

1880 The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil oil on canvas 151 x 121 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C

1880-81 The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil oil on canvas

1881 A Spot on the Bank of the Seine oil on canvas 81 x 60 cm Private Collection

1881 The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil oil on canvas 80 x 65 cm Private Collection

1881 The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil oil on canvas 100.3 x 81.3 cm The Norton Simon Foundation, Pasadena CA

1881 The Needle and the Porte d'Aval oil on canvas 65 x 81 cm Sterling and Francine Clark Institute, Williamstown MA

1881 The Terrace at Vétheuil oil on canvas 81 x 65 cm Private Collection

1881-82 Vase of Flowers 100.4 x 81.8 cm The Samuel Courtauld Trust, The Courtauld Gallery, London

1882 Chrysanthemums oil on canvas 100.3 x 81.9 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York NY

Claude Monet 1882 The Manneport oil on canvas

1882 The Undergrowth in the Forest of Saint-Germain oil on canvas

1882 Waves and Rocks at Pourville oil on canvas Private Collection

1883 Étretat, Sunset oil on canvas 60.5 x 81.8 cm North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh NC

1883 Étretat, Sunset oil on canvas Musée des beaux-arts, Nancy

1883 Étretat, the Beach and the Porte d'Aval oil on canvas 60 x 73 cm Marauchi Art Museum, Tokyo

1883 Étretat, the Needle Rock and the Porte d'Aval, Sunset oil on canvas 60 x 81 cm Private Collection

1883 Morning at Étretat oil on canvas 63 x 81 cm Private Collection

1883 Port d'Aval, Rough Sea oil on canvas

1883 Rough Sea at Etretat oil on canvas 81 x 100 cm Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, France

1883 The Manneport, Cliff at Étretat oil on canvas Private Collection

1883 The Manneport, Seen from Below oil on canvas 72 x 91 cm Private Collection

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1896 The Japanese Bridge oil on canvas 87.9 x 91.8 cm Private Collection

1899 Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies oil on canvas 92.7 x 73.7 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York NY

1899 The Water Lily Pond oil on canvas 89 x 93 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1899 The Water-Lily Pond oil on canvas 88.3 x 93.1 cm The National Gallery, London

1899 Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge oil on canvas 90.5 x 89.7 cm Princeton University Art Museum NJ

1900 The Water Lily Pond oil on canvas 90.2 x 92.7 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA

1900 Water Lily Pond (aka Japanese Bridge) oil on canvas Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA

1900 Water Lily Pond, Symphony in Rose oil on canvas 89.5 x 100.4 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1900 Water Lily Pond oil on canvas 89.8 x 101 cm Art Institute Chicago MA

1900 Water Lily Pool oil on canvas 89.8 x 101 cm Art Institute of Chicago MA

1900 Waterlily Pond and Path by the Water oil on canvas 89 x 100 cm Private Collection

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1897-8 Pink Water Lilies oil on canvas 81 x 100 cm Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome

1897-99 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1897-99 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1897-99 Water Lilies, Evening Effect oil on canvas Neue Pinakothek, Munich

1898 Water Lilies oil on canvas 66 x 104.1 cm Los Angeles County Museum of Art CA

1903 Water Lilies 89 x 100 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

1903 Water Lilies 89 x 100 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris.

1903 Water Lilies oil on canvas 81.3 x 101.6 cm The Dayton Art Institute, Dayton OH

1903 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1903 Water Lilies oil on canvas Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

1904 Water Lilies oil on canvas 89 x 92 cm Denver Art Museum, Denver CO

1904 Water Lilies oil on canvas 90 x 92 cm Musée des Beaux-Arts, Caen

1904 Water Lilies oil on canvas Musée des Beaux-Arts André Malraux, Le Havre, France

1904 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1905 Water Lilies  oil on canvas 81.9 x 101 cm The National Museum of Wales - Amgueddfa Cymru

1905 Water Lilies oil on canvas 89.5 x 100.3 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA

1905 Water Lilies oil on canvas 90 x 100 cm Private Collection

1905 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1905 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1906 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1906 Water Lilies oil on canvas 81.6 x 92.7 cm The National Museum of Wales - Amgueddfa Cymru

1906 Water Lilies oil on canvas 87.6 x 92.7 cm Art Institute Chicago IL

1906 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1906-07 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies 0
1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas 100 x 81 cm Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, Osaka

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas 100.5 x 73.4 cm Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation, Tokyo

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas Houston Museum of Fine Arts TX

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas 81 x 92 cm Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford CT

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1907c Water Lilies, Setting Sun oil on canvas 73 x 92.7 cm The National Gallery, London

1908 Water Lilies 81 x 81 cm Dallas Museum of Art TX

1908 Water Lilies

1908 Water Lilies

1908 Water Lilies oil on canvas 90 x 94 cm Private Collection

1908 Water Lilies oil on canvas 92 x 90 cm Worchester Art Museum MA

1908 Water Lilies oil on canvas Private Collection

1908 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1908 Waterlilies  oil on canvas 100.7 x 81.3 cm Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1914 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-16 Water Lilies oil on canvas 201 x 200.5 cm National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas 181 x 201.6 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas 200 x 200 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

1914-17 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1914-19 Water Lilies, Red oil on canvas

1914-26 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1915c Water Lilies oil on canvas 151.4 x 201 cm Neue Pinakothek, Munich

1915c Water Lilies oil on canvas 160.5 x 180.5 cm Portland Art Museum, Portland OR

after 1916 Water Lilies Nymphéas oil on canvas 200.7 x 426.7 cm Tate Gallery, London

1916-19 Blue Water Lilies oil on canvas 204 x 200 cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1916-19 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1916-19 Water Lilies oil on canvas 150 x 197 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

1916-19 Water Lilies oil on canvas 200 x 180 cm Fondation Beyeler, Riehen-Basel

1916-19 Water Lilies oil on canvas

1916-19 Water Lilies and Weeping Willow Branches oil on canvas

1916-19 Water Lily Garden with Weeping Willow oil on canvas 200 x 180 cm Musée Marmottan-Monet, Paris

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